Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fat burning news 18/10/2007 05:49

uExpress - Week of September 16, 2007
September 16, 2007 -- SUNDAY (Family) -- Enjoy family day with your own ROAST CHICKEN (5 to 7 pounds), MASHED POTATOES, GRAVY, PEAS WITH PEARL ONIONS (frozen) and MIXED ...
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Shape - How to fuel up for an a.m. run: plus, food that helps speed up your metabolism
October 1, 2007 -- Q If I eat before I run in the morning, I get cramps. If I don't, I feel tired, and I know I'm not working out as hard as I could. Is there a solution?
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Golf Digest - Golf + money: why does the stugma of golfers as business slackers persist?
October 1, 2007 -- In a recent New York Times column, Maureen Dowd raked Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over the coals for talking about her hook while the situation ...
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115 Million Ducks With a Side of Chewy Beetles: Beijing Dining (
Oct. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Romeo Villonco, 92, was there to see Herzog and De Meuron's bird's-nest-inspired 2008 Olympic stadium. His four-year-old great grandson, Diego, wanted to climb the Great Wall. For me, the tour group to Beijing meant one thing: food.*http%3A//
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Anti-Aging Advice: 99 Steps to 100 by Walter M. Bortz, M.D. (ThirdAge)
Calories: body fuel A calorie is a piece of energy. Strictly defined, one calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one liter of water by one degree.*http%3A//
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Shape - The truth about detox diets: how they actually slow down your metabolism, plus shortcuts for cooking a healthy meal after work
September 1, 2007 -- Q A friend of mine lost a lot of weight by doing a detox diet. Are they healthy for you? A There are certainly better ways for you to drop a few pounds.
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IJ Weekend: Sattui's fortress of fine taste open for visitors (Marin Independent Journal)
Like a medieval "Brigadoon," Castello di Amorosa - the Castle of Love - stands on a hillside 51/2 miles north of St. Helena - all 121,000 square feet of it*http%3A//
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Metabolic Testing (Louisville Courier-Journal)
If your goal is better performance as a cyclist, runner or triathlete, or if you want to know your body's response to exercise to develop a weight-loss or weight-gain program, the Northeast Family YMCA says it has some answers for you.*http%3A//
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Curves Achieves The Unthinkable (
NZ 18 October 2007: As anyone who has ever started an exercise programme on Monday and given it up by Friday knows, good intentions have a short shelf life.*http%3A//
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Muscle & Fitness - A very simple plan
September 1, 2007 -- Q: Can I consume simple carbs (i.e., Gatorade) before I train, or will I end up crashing during my workout? If I can, what types are best? A: Typically, ...
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