Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fat burning news 10/10/2007 15:38

Cheesecake minus the guilt (The Record)
It could contain more than 1,000 calories. For example, a serving of New York cheesecake with caramel fudge sauce from Romano's Macaroni Grill has 1,610 calories and 96 fat grams.*http%3A//
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Forbes - A Bus In The Clouds
August 13, 2007 -- Ed Iacobucci's DayJet wants to push private jet service beyond fat cats to serve the middle class. Flights on demand and fewer hassles, at the price of full-fare coach or less. Edward Iacobucci
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Editorial roundup (Boston Globe)
Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad: Oct. 5*http%3A//
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Newsweek - Rising Gulf
August 6, 2007 -- We all know the headlines by now: the Middle East is burning, right? So it seems, as Palestinians and Iraqis wage civil war, Lebanon seethes, Syria and ...
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Shape - How to fuel up for an a.m. run: plus, food that helps speed up your metabolism
October 1, 2007 -- Q If I eat before I run in the morning, I get cramps. If I don't, I feel tired, and I know I'm not working out as hard as I could. Is there a solution?
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Better Nutrition - Diabetes can count in chromium: what do elevated blood sugar levels, depression, and excess weight have in common? They all may improve with supplements
September 1, 2007 -- Chromium, an essential dietary mineral, plays a central role in how the body uses insulin to burn sugars, carbs, fats, and proteins for energy. Because ...
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Muscle & Fitness - The 25% stronger meal plan; Support your heavy lifting in the gym with this complete eight-week meal plan, designed specifically for maximizing your strength
September 1, 2007 -- That's why we designed the "Eat for Strength" meal plan to be used in conjunction with the "Get 25% Stronger" training program beginning ...
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Around the Big 12 (USA Today)
Around the Big 12*http%3A//
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askRocco: Does fat-burning cardio work? (Juice)
QUESTION: What’s the deal with target heart rates? At my gym, the trainers are always talking about staying within your "fat burning" range...*http%3A//
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Pirates of Burning Sea dated ( News ) (EuroGamer)
Flying Lab has said its Pirates of the Burning Sea MMOG will launch on 22nd January next year. If you just can't wait, you can pre-order the game and get it two days early. You might be able to get some new shoes or a boat before your friends even start playing. Just imagine.*http%3A//
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