Eating out in Asheville for $40 a day (Asheville Citizen-Times)
ASHEVILLE -- Thin wallets do not mean empty bellies in the Asheville area. Just ask Rachael Ray.*http%3A//
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uExpress - Week of September 16, 2007
September 16, 2007 -- SUNDAY (Family) -- Enjoy family day with your own ROAST CHICKEN (5 to 7 pounds), MASHED POTATOES, GRAVY, PEAS WITH PEARL ONIONS (frozen) and MIXED ...
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Forbes - A Bus In The Clouds
August 13, 2007 -- Ed Iacobucci's DayJet wants to push private jet service beyond fat cats to serve the middle class. Flights on demand and fewer hassles, at the price of full-fare coach or less. Edward Iacobucci
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“Sydney White” (The Davis Enterprise)
Published Sep 27, 2007 - 17:45:19 CDT. OK, this film is seriously cute.*http%3A//
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Muscle & Fitness - A very simple plan
September 1, 2007 -- Q: Can I consume simple carbs (i.e., Gatorade) before I train, or will I end up crashing during my workout? If I can, what types are best? A: Typically, ...
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Capsule movie reviews Sept 28 - Oct. 4 (El Paso Times)
"Feast of Love" (R) That "Feast of Love" is an overstuffed melodrama is bad enough. That it comes from director Robert Benton is just plain sad. But what's truly troubling is the way the film regards women as idiots and objects.*http%3A//
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Muscle & Fitness - Habit-forming
September 1, 2007 -- Both my fiance and I enjoy reading m&f. I try to eat healthy, though it's sometimes hard to know which foods and beverages are "good" and which ones are "bad"! Thanks for cl
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Watching my waistline (Harrison Daily Times)
Watching the girth around one's midsection grow is not for the faint of heart. Well, it's not if you're trying to keep it from expanding.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Weight Gain May Be Rooted in Liver Enzyme Defect
August 3, 2007 -- FRIDAY, Aug. 3 (HealthDay News) --A genetic defect in the liver explains why some people become obese while others remain thin, a new study suggests. The defect may prevent some people's liver enzyme
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6 myths bout women's strength training (Reno Gazette-Journal)
The Indianapolis Star*http%3A//
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