Muscle & Fitness - A very simple plan
September 1, 2007 -- Q: Can I consume simple carbs (i.e., Gatorade) before I train, or will I end up crashing during my workout? If I can, what types are best? A: Typically, ...
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Better Nutrition - Diabetes can count in chromium: what do elevated blood sugar levels, depression, and excess weight have in common? They all may improve with supplements
September 1, 2007 -- Chromium, an essential dietary mineral, plays a central role in how the body uses insulin to burn sugars, carbs, fats, and proteins for energy. Because ...
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Diet Change Can Curb Fatty Liver Disease (KOLD News 13 Tuscon)
FRIDAY, Sept. 21 (HealthDay News) -- Diets high in quick-burning carbohydrates may cause fatty liver disease, which can lead to liver failure and death, according to a study in mice...*http%3A//
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Muscle & Fitness - The 25% stronger meal plan; Support your heavy lifting in the gym with this complete eight-week meal plan, designed specifically for maximizing your strength
September 1, 2007 -- That's why we designed the "Eat for Strength" meal plan to be used in conjunction with the "Get 25% Stronger" training program beginning ...
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Muscle & Fitness - Habit-forming
September 1, 2007 -- Both my fiance and I enjoy reading m&f. I try to eat healthy, though it's sometimes hard to know which foods and beverages are "good" and which ones are "bad"! Thanks for cl
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Topeka Capital-Journal, The - Spanky the cat emerges from ashes
August 19, 2007 -- By Steve Fry THE CAPITAL-JOURNAL When University of Kansas student Nicole Bingham, 21, perished in the flames of an apartment building fire in ...
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'Quick-burning carbs cause fatty liver' (The Times of India)
NEW YORK: Used to eating a diet rich in quick-burning carbohydrates like white rice, cereal and bread? Just change your food habits as the starchy diet can lead to liver failure and death.*http%3A//
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Quick Burning Carbs May Cause Fatty Liver (Medical News Today)
Diets rich in rapidly digested carbohydrates not only expand waistlines, but may also cause fatty liver, a condition that can lead to liver failure and death, finds a new study in mice. If confirmed in humans, the findings suggest that fatty liver disease on the upsurge among Americans as a byproduct of the obesity epidemic may be preventable and possibly treatable through dietary changes. ...*http%3A//
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Oakland Tribune - The apple of your eye
September 12, 2007 -- I'M LIKE A KID in a candy store when new crops of apples flood the farmers markets. Each week brings a new taste sensation to tempt the taste buds.
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Oakland Tribune - Pets can get Addison's too
August 19, 2007 -- Dr. Utchen: My dog was recently diagnosed with Addison's disease. I was not aware of this disease in dogs, only humans. Answer: Yes, Addison's disease can affect both dogs and cats, although i
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